

Associate and certified members of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) must pursue career-long learning. RID members participate in and earn continuing education units (对比增强超声) for learning events that align with RID's Certification 维护 程序(CMP). The 美国手语IS department is an approved RID CMP Sponsor and can approve, verify, and award 对比增强超声 to RID members.

" " 电邮提交至 凯莉.woodruff@baby422.com

" "访问掉 以了解更多有关ceu的资料

  • 学术课程

    " "学术课程 ceu可以获得大学学分吗.

    " " CEU费= $50

    " "

    • College credits from an accredited institution recognized by the Council for Higher 教育认证
    • 至少获得C (2).0)或以上
    • Earn the college credits and RID 对比增强超声 in the same CMP cycle

    " " If you are planning to take a class and will not receive college credit (i.e.、审计 the course or taking it as continuing education through the institution), a PINRA should be completed 之前 to starting the class.

     学术课程的过程 " "

    Everything can be submitted together after the course is complete, or you can submit the form first and the two additional documents later.

    • 提交付款.

    " "

    • To pay by credit card: call Sherry Schriver at 970-351-1060 (8:00 - 5:00 pm Mountain).
    • 以支票付款:邮寄至UNC/部门. 美国手语的 & 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》,麦基厅 CO 80639,格里利,106号箱. (Payable to UNC and put RID 对比增强超声 in the memo) 
    • The 美国手语IS department will review the submission for successful completion and then 向RID提交您的ceu.
  • 独立学习

    " "独立研究 are 对比增强超声 awarded for a learning activity that is designed by you with input from 美国手语IS赞助商. 

    " "
    CEU费= 100美元

    " "

    • ceu必须获得批准 之前  to starting the plan; no retro 对比增强超声 for completed or in-progress plans
    • 最多2个.每个计划奖励0个ceu

    " "

    • Example 独立研究: research, initial curriculum development, study groups, independent reading, mentoring, or preparation of scientific/clinical materials for 出版物及更多

     独立研究的过程 " "

    Your form will be reviewed and input offered as needed. 您需要重新提交 the form after incorporating feedback

    The 美国手语IS Sponsor reserves the right to adjust the number of 对比增强超声 to be awarded. 一些 独立学习 plans use methods of educational delivery that do not lend itself 要易译1.每10接触小时0 CEU. 

    • You will complete the 独立学习 as outlined in the form while also keeping 记录你的时间.

    • Submit 1) the list of products outlined in the form and 2) your time log to the 美国手语IS (电子邮件: 凯莉.woodruff@baby422.com).

    • 提交付款.

      " "

      • To pay by credit card: call Sherry Schriver at 970-351-1060 (8:00 - 5:00 pm Mountain).
      • 以支票付款:邮寄至UNC/部门. 美国手语的 & 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》,麦基厅 CO 80639,格里利,106号箱. (Payable to UNC and put RID 对比增强超声 in the memo) 
    • The 美国手语IS department will review the submission for successful completion and then 向RID提交您的ceu.

    " "PINRAs are 对比增强超声 awarded for activities not offered by an RID approved sponsor.

    " "
    CEU费= $25

    " "

    • PINRA means Participant Initiated Non-RID Activities
    • ceu必须获得批准 之前  to starting the activity; no retro 对比增强超声 for completed or in-progress activities
    • Activities must be sponsored by an organization with specific known standards, format, 教育的目标和宗旨

    " "

    • Example PINRAs: auditing a college course, non-credit courses at an educational institution, corporate trainings, community education, school district in-service, and more

    PINRAs的过程 " "

    • 请填写 PINRA形式.

    • Submit 1) the form and 2) documentation of the upcoming activity (i.e.、宣传册/传单; registration form, agenda, and so on) 寄给美国法学院系(电邮: 凯莉.woodruff@baby422.com).

    Your form will be reviewed and accepted after all necessary information 提供.

    • You will attend the event and obtain proof of attendance/completion (i.e.,证书). 

    • Submit your proof of attendance/completion 寄给美国法学院系(电邮: 凯莉.woodruff@baby422.com).

    • 提交付款.

    " "

    • To pay by credit card: call Sherry Schriver at 970-351-1060 (8:00 - 5:00 pm Mountain).
    • 以支票付款:邮寄至UNC/部门. 美国手语的 & 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》,麦基厅 CO 80639,格里利,106号箱. (Payable to UNC and put RID 对比增强超声 in the memo)
    • The 美国手语IS department will review the submission for successful completion and then 向RID提交您的ceu.
  • 研讨会

    " "研讨会 are 对比增强超声 awarded for learning opportunities developed and presented for group instruction.

    " "
    CEU费= $75

    " "

    • Fee will increase with more than 25 participants
    • 研讨会 can be hosted by the sponsor or co-sponsored with an outside organization 或者个人
    • 1接触小时= 0.1 CEU; 1.0 CEU = 10接触小时
    • Instructors can earn the equivalent General Studies 对比增强超声 once during the cycle for 每一项活动

    工作坊的流程" "

    Your form and materials will be reviewed and accepted after all necessary information 提供. The Sponsor will work with the activity's contact person to improve the 文件并获得批准.

    " " 研讨会 should be submitted 45 days (or more) 之前 to the learning activity. 研讨会 submitted with less than 30 days will not be processed.

    • Prepare additional (paper or electronic) documentation 之前 to the workshop:
    • 主机车间:
      • Participants seeking RID 对比增强超声 must sign-in using the form created
      • Collect individual evaluation forms and summaries
      • Pass out certificates (can be done upon request)

    • Submit 1) handouts, 2) the sign-in form, 3) a blank copy of the certificate, 4) a blank copy of the individual evaluation form, and 5) the summary of all evaluations 寄给美国法学院系(电邮: 凯莉.woodruff@baby422.com).

    Do not send the individual evaluation forms, only the summary of the evaluations is 保荐人所需.

    • 提交付款.

    " "

    • To pay by credit card: call Sherry Schriver at 970-351-1060 (8:00 - 5:00 pm Mountain).
    • 以支票付款:邮寄至UNC/部门. 美国手语的 & 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》,麦基厅 CO 80639,格里利,106号箱. (Payable to UNC and put RID 对比增强超声 in the memo) 
    • The 美国手语IS department will review the submission for successful completion and then 将参与者的ceu提交给RID.

" " 缺少对比增强超声?

If there are missing 对比增强超声 or information on your RID transcript that is inaccurate, you need to contact the Sponsor that approved the activity to troubleshoot.